
The first set of deliverables have been approved by the European Commission and are now accessible below. As soon as any additional deliverable is accepted, it will be made available for download as well. (Status as of July 1 2021)

Deliverable Number - Deliverable Title - Dissemination level - Due Date (in months)

D1.2 - Risk Assessment - Public - M6 icon-pdf.svg
D1.4 - Internal progress and quality planning report Y1 - Public - M12 icon-pdf.svg
D1.5 - Internal progress and quality planning report Y2 - Public - M24
D1.6 - Final progress report - Public - M36
D3.1 - Initial report on compliance with ethical principles - Public - M12 icon-pdf.svg
D3.2 - Development of a decision-making- mechanism - Public - M14 icon-pdf.svg
D3.3 - INTERPOL global communications infrastructure - Public - M18
D3.4 - Final report on compliance with ethical principles - Public - M36
D4.1 - Overview and analysis of lawfully intercepted data - Public - M4 icon-pdf.svg
D4.2 - Simulated data for development and demonstration - Public - M16
D4.3 - Final report on ROXANNE data - Public - M30 icon-pdf.svg
D4.4 - ROXANNE case management and data preprocessing - Public - M32
D5.1 - Initial speech/text/video technologies - Public - M8 icon-pdf.svg
D5.2 - Interaction of speech/ text/video and network analysis - Public - M18
D5.3 - Final set of speech/text/ video technologies - Public - M33 icon-pdf.svg
D6.1 - Preliminary report on network analysis - Public - M9 icon-pdf.svg
D6.3 - Analysis of criminal networks - Public - M24
D6.4 - Systematic comparison of criminal networks - Public - M33
D7.1 - Technical specifications and detailed architecture - Public - M6 icon-pdf.svg
D7.2 - Description of the integration toolkit, guidelines, plan - Public - M9 icon-pdf.svg
D7.3 - Data visualization and exploratory analysis V1 - Public - M18
D7.4 - Description of ROXANNE platform V1, data export - Public - M20
D7.5 - Data visualization V2, ROXANNE platform V2 - Public - M32 icon-pdf.svg
D8.2 - Training manual Volume I - Public - M8 icon-pdf.svg
D8.7 - Training manual Volume II - Public - M19
D8.8 - Training manual Volume III - Public - M29
D9.1 - Creation of the project's identity and website - Public - M2 icon-pdf.svg
D9.2 - The project's communications plan - Public - M4 icon-pdf.svg
D9.3 - The project's dissemination and exploitation plan - Public - M5 icon-pdf.svg
D9.5 - Report on the dissemination, exploitation - Public - M18
D9.6 - Report on the project's final conference - Public - M36
D9.7 - ROXANNE's recommendations - Public - M36
D9.8 - Final report on the dissemination, exploitation - Public - M36
D9.9 - The project's communications plan update M18 - Public - M18 icon-pdf.svg
D9.10 - The project's communications plan update M36 - Public - M36
D9.11 - The project's dissemination and exploitation plan update M18 - Public - M18
D9.12 - The project's dissemination and exploitation plan update M36 - Public - M36

Final Conference Presentations

ROXANNE Final Conference - CRiTERIA project icon-pdf.svg
ROXANNE Final Conference - CTC project icon-pdf.svg
ROXANNE Final Conference - Ethics icon-pdf.svg
ROXANNE Final Conference - Exploitation icon-pdf.svg
ROXANNE Final Conference - INFINITY project icon-pdf.svg
ROXANNE Final Conference - Introduction to Autocrime platform icon-pdf.svg
ROXANNE Final Conference - Police use case1 icon-pdf.svg
ROXANNE Final Conference - Police use case2 icon-pdf.svg
ROXANNE Final Conference - Project achievements icon-pdf.svg
ROXANNE Final Conference - Training platform icon-pdf.svg

ROXANNE dissemination (status June 2023):

S.No. Date Title Status Lead Partner Conference/Journal
1 April 2020 Idiap NMT System for WAT 2019Multi-Modal Translation Task Published WAT Workshop, EMNLP2019 Hongkong IDIAP conference
2 April 2020 Overview of the 6th Workshop on Asian Translation Published WAT Workshop, EMNLP2019 Hongkong IDIAP conference
3 April 2020 OdiEnCorp 2.0: Odia-English Parallel Corpus for Machine Translation Published WILDRE Workshop LREC 2020 IDIAP conference
4 April 2020 German News Article Classification: A Multichannel CNN Approach ETAEERE 2020 conference, India, March 2020 IDIAP conference
5 April 2020 Idiap Submissions to Swiss German Language Detection Shared Task Published Swiss-German Language Detection Shared Task, SwissText and KONVENS 2020 IDIAP conference
6 April 2020 Inferring Highly-dense Representations for Clustering Broadcast Media Content Published Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Linguistic (PBML) Journal IDIAP journal
7 April 2020 Incremental Semi-Supervised Learning for Multi-Genre Speech recognition Accepted in ICASSP 2020 conference, Barcelona, May 2020 IDIAP conference
8 April 2020 Distant Supervision and Noisy Label Learning for Low Resource Named Entity Recognition: A Study on Hausa and Yorùbá Accepted by the workshop PML4DC under ICML 2020 USAAR conference
9 July 2020 Idiap & UAM participation at GermEval 2020: Classification and Regression of Cognitive and Motivational Style from Text Published GermEval 2020 Shared Task on the Classification and Regression of Cognitive and Motivational style from Text, SwissText and KONVENS 2020 IDIAP conference
10 July 2020 Idiap and UAM Participation at MEX-A3T Evaluation Campaign Published MEX-A3T@IberLEF2020 IDIAP conference
11 December 2020 Robust link prediction in criminal networks: A case study of the Sicilian Mafia Published UCSC journal
12 July 2020 BertAA: Bert fine-tuning for Authorship Attribution Accepted at ICON2020 IDIAP conference
13 July 2020 Analysis of ABC Submission to NIST SRE 2019 CMN and VAST Challenge. Proceedings of Odyssey 2020 The Speaker and Language Recognition Workshop, available in iSCA archive. BUT conference
14 July 2020 Probabilistic embeddings for speaker diarization Proceedings of Odyssey 2020 The Speaker and Language Recognition Workshop, available in iSCA archive. BUT conference
15 July 2020 Utilizing VOiCES dataset for multichannel speaker verification with beamforming Proceedings of Odyssey 2020 The Speaker and Language Recognition Workshop, available in iSCA archive. BUT conference
16 October 2020 BUT text-dependent speaker verification system for SdSV 2020 challenge Published in Interspeech 2020 BUT conference
17 June 2021 Analysis of the BUT diarization system for VoxConverse challenge Accepted for ICASSP 2021 BUT conference
18 June 2021 Analysis of x-vectors for low resource speech recognition Accepted for ICASSP 2021 BUT conference
19 September 2020 Transfer Learning and Distant Supervisionfor Multilingual TransformerModels: A Study on African Languages Got accepted by EMNLP2020. Curently preparing the camera-ready version. USAAR conference
20 October 2020 Detection of Similar Languages and DialectsUsing Deep Supervised Autoencode Published at ICON2020 IDIAP conference
21 October 2020 ODIANLP’s Participation in WAT2020 Published at WAT2020 (AACL workshop) IDIAP conference
22 December 2020 On Node Embedding of Uncertain Networks Published: IEEE BigDATA 2020 LUH conference
23 September 2021 Graph2Speak: Improving Speaker Identification using Network Knowledge in Criminal Conversational Data Accepted at SPSC Symposium IDIAP conference
24 July 2021 Bayesian HMM clustering of x-vector sequences (VBx) in speaker diarization: theory, implementation and analysis on standard tasks Published in Computer Speech and Language, Vol. 71 PHO/BUT journal
25 September 2021 ROXSD: a Simulated Dataset of Communication in Organized Crime Accepted at SPSC Symposium All partners conference
26 September 2021 Open-Set Speaker Identification pipeline in live criminal investigations Accepted at SPSC Symposium IDIAP conference
27 September 2021 Multimodal Neural Machine Translation Systemfor English to Bengali Accepted at First Workshop on Multimodal Machine Translation for Low Resource Languages (MMTLRL-2021), RANLP2021 IDIAP conference
28 October 2022 Real-Time Multi-Vehicle Multi-Camera Tracking With Graph-Based Tracklet Features Accepted at the TRB Annual Meeting 2022, Transportation Research Record LUH journal
29 October 2022 Multivariate Time Series Analysis: An Interpretable CNN-based Model Accepted at the 9th IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics (DSAA 2022) LUH conference
30 October 2021 On the Impact of Dataset Size: A Twitter Classification Case Study Accepted at the 20th IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology (WI-IAT 2021) LUH conference
31 October 2021 BertOdia: BERT pre-training for low resource Odia language Accepted at 2nd International Conference on Biologically Inspired Techniques in Many-Criteria Decision Making (BITMDM-2021) IDIAP conference
32 August 2022 MANDO-GURU: Vulnerability Detection for Smart Contract Source Code By Heterogeneous Graph Embeddings Accepted at the ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE 2022) LUH conference
33 August 2022 MANDO: Multi-Level Heterogeneous Graph Embeddings for Fine-Grained Detection of Smart Contract Vulnerabilities Accepted at the 9th IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics (DSAA 2022) LUH conference
34 August 2022 SoChainDB: A Database for Storing and Retrieving Blockchain-Powered Social Network Data Accepted at 45th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR 2022) LUH conference
35 August 2022 SparCAssist: A Model Risk Assessment Assistant Based on Sparse Generated Counterfactuals Accepted at 45th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR 2022) LUH conference
36 August 2021 Speaker embeddings by modeling channel-wise correlations Published in Interspeech 2021 BUT conference
37 June 2022 Analyzing Speaker Verification Embedding Extractors and Back-Ends Under Language and Channel Mismatch Published in Odyssey BUT conference
38 June 2022 Speaker Recognition on Mono-Channel Telephony Recordings Published in Odyssey BUT/MOPS-INP conference
39 June 2022 Development of ABC Systems for the 2021 Edition of NIST Speaker Recognition Evaluation Published in Odyssey BUT conference
40 September 2022 Training Speaker Embedding Extractors Using Multi-Speaker Audio with Unknown Speaker Boundaries Published in Interspeech 2022 BUT conference
41 August 2021 Speech Activity Detection Based on Multilingual Speech Recognition System Published: ISCA Proc. Interspeech 2021 IDIAP conference
42 August 2021 ROXANNE Research Platform: Automate criminal investigations and leverage multimodal fusion Published: ISCA Proc. Interspeech 2021 IDIAP conference
43 May 2021 NLPHut's Participation at WAT2021 Published at WAT2021 (ACL-IJCNLP 2021 Workshop) IDIAP conference
44 2021 BUT System Description for The Third DIHARD Speech Diarization Challenge Proceedings available at Dihard Challenge Github BUT conference
45 Mar.21 Analysing the Noise Model Error for Realistic Noisy Label Data AAAI-2021 USAAR conference
46 2022 Is BERT Robust to Label Noise? A Study on Learning with Noisy Labels in Text Classification ACL-2022 Insight Workshop USAAR conference
47 2022 Task-Adaptive Pre-Training for Boosting Learning With Noisy Labels: A Study on Text Classification for African Languages ICLR2022 AfricaNLP Workshop USAAR conference
48 Apr.21 Open Machine Translation for Low Resource South American Languages(AmericasNLP 2021 Shared Task Contribution) Published at AmericasNLP (NAACL-HLT 2021 workshop) IDIAP conference
49 2021 Estimating Formulas for Model Performance Under Noisy Labels Using Symbolic Regression ESANN 2021 USAAR conference
50 2022 TOKEN is a MASK: Few-shot Named Entity Recognition with Pre-trained Language Models 25th International Conference on Text, Speech and Dialogue (TSD 2022) USAAR conference
51 2022 A Few Thousand Translations Go a Long Way! Leveraging Pre-trained Models for African News Translation NAACL-2022 USAAR conference
52 May 2023 Meta Self-Refinement for Robust Learning with Weak Supervision EACL 2023 USAAR conference
53 May 2023 Weaker Than You Think: A Critical Look at Weakly Supervised Learning ACL 2023 USAAR conference
54 2023 Multi-Vehicle Multi-Camera Tracking with Graph-Based Tracklet Features IEEE Transactions on Multimedia journal LUH journal
55 2023 Inductive and Transductive Link Prediction for Criminal Network Analysis Journal of Computational Science LUH, UCSC, MOPS-INP journal
56 2024 Implementing contextual biasing in GPU decoder for online ASR (accepted for publication) INTERSPEECH 2023 IDIAP conference
57 2024 CommonAccent: Exploring Large Acoustic Pretrained Models for Accent Classification Based on Common Voice (accepted for publication) INTERSPEECH 2023 IDIAP conference
58 2020 Supervised domain adaptation for text-independent speaker verification using limited data (published) INTERSPEECH 2020 IDIAP conference
59 2021 Multi-task Neural Network for Robust Multiple Speaker Embedding Extraction (published) INTERSPEECH 2021 IDIAP conference
60 2022 Team Innovators at SemEval-2022 for Task 8: Multi-Task Training with Hyperpartisan and Semantic Relation for Multi-Lingual News Article Similarity (published) Proceedings of the 16th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2022), NAACL 2022 IDIAP conference
61 2022 Innovators@SMM4H'22: An Ensembles Approach for self-reporting of COVID-19 Vaccination Status Tweets (published) International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING 2022) IDIAP conference
62 2022 IDIAP_TIET@LT-EDI-ACL2022 : Hope Speech Detection in Social Media using Contextualized BERT with Attention Mechanism (published) ACL IDIAP conference
63 2022 IDIAP Submission@LT-EDI-ACL2022: Homophobia/Transphobia Detection in social media comments (published) ACL 2022 IDIAP conference
64 2022 IDIAP Submission@LT-EDI-ACL2022: Detecting Signs of Depression from Social Media Text (published) ACL 2022 IDIAP conference
65 2022 IDIAP Submission@LT-EDI-ACL2022 : Hope Speech Detection for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (published) ACL 2022 IDIAP conference
66 2022 HMIST: Hierarchical Multilingual Isometric Speech Translation using Multi-Task Learning Framework for Automatic Dubbing (published) PACIFIC ASIA CONFERENCE ON LANGUAGE, INFORMATION AND COMPUTATION (PACLIC 2022), In Proceedings of ACL Anthology IDIAP conference
67 2022 Hierarchical Multi-task learning framework for Isometric-Speech Language Translation (published) ACL 2022 IDIAP conference
68 2022 DeepCon: An End-to-End Multilingual Toolkit for Automatic Minuting of Multi-Party Dialogues (published) Special Interest Group on Discourse and Dialogue (SIGDIAL 2022) IDIAP conference
69 2022 Bio-Medical Multi-label Scientific Literature Classification using LWAN and Dual-attention module (published) PACIFIC ASIA CONFERENCE ON LANGUAGE, INFORMATION AND COMPUTATION (PACLIC 2022), In Proceedings of ACL Anthology IDIAP conference
70 2022 Automatic Summarization for Creative Writing: Denoising Auto-Encoder based Pipeline Method for Generating Summary of Movie Scripts (published) International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING 2022) IDIAP conference
71 2022 An End-to-End Multilingual System for Automatic Minuting of Multi-Party Dialogues (published) Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation (PACLIC 36), In proceedings of ACL Anthology IDIAP conference
72 2022 An Empirical Comparison of Semantic Similarity Methods for Analyzing down-streaming Automatic Minuting task (published) Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation (PACLIC 36), In proceedings of ACL Anthology IDIAP conference
73 May 2023 Frequent-words analysis for forensic speaker comparison Speech communication journal NFI journal
In preparation
74 2023 Speaker recognition on mono-channel telephony recordings
(This paper will be a journal extension of the conference paper with the same title listed in the above table)
Under discussion (BUT, MOPS-INP) not decided
75 2023 ROXANNE investigative platform
(publication planned as collective dissemination in a journal of forensics science, plan for submission is June 2023)
Under discussions (planned submission time – end June 2023)
Update on paper (see 42 in D9.8)
IDIAP, all journal
76 2023 ROXSD data
(ROXSD publication in Forensic Science International: Digital Investigation, plan for submission is June 2023)
Journal of Forensic Science International ((planned submission time – end June 2023)
Update on the paper (see 25 in D9.8)
HENS, all journal
77 2023 Entity Matching Across Small Networks Using Node Attributes
(under review in CIKM 2023 - Conference on Information and Knowledge Management)
CIKM 2023 LUH, IDIAP, LUH, PHO, HENS conference
Prepared submissions (require a request access)